
Apple keynote march 2019
Apple keynote march 2019

apple keynote march 2019


While not the most linear story ever told, there was certainly a lot of storytelling logic (and I'm sure a ton of time) that went into deciding how to block out the story of Apple's March 2019 Keynote announcements. The subject of games as entertainment was easily expandable into the AppleTV updates, which then of course led perfectly into the crescendo of the event, their biggest announcement: AppleTV+. Then while they were on the subject of transactions, they moved into the subject of the Apple Store, which tied well into their Apple Arcade announcement. It was a perfect lead-in for the Apple Card and Apple's stance on protecting consumer privacy, security, and ease of use in ways other credit card companies have failed. However, by instilling the idea of "consumer ethics" in the form of curating and distributing journalistic integrity, they positioned themselves as consumer champions. Then they announced a seemingly disconnected Apple Card. Apple News kicked things off as a service that provides “snackable” content.

apple keynote march 2019

In the case of this Keynote, the story of their service offerings evolved and were tied together by shared themes. A pitch that tells a fully realized story is far more powerful than a pitch that does not. (4) STORY BLOCKING - Lastly, we can glean a lot from Apple through the structure and organization of their Keynote as a whole. Key takeaway? Leave the bulky novel pitch decks for follow-up or leave-behinds instead, stick to simple, elegant and clear storytelling in your live presentations. As simple as this concept might seem, in practice it's missed by more presenters than you might think. The purpose of using a simple and short visual phrase is to open audience members’ minds to what they want them to HEAR. The example above has become somewhat of a calling card for Apple: an incredibly simple, pure, yet powerful statement, uncluttered by imagery or explanation, or even context.


So why do so many companies and sales presenters still present with their full pitch deck? Slides filled with text and descriptions provide a serious distraction from the message they are delivering. When they give you their time live, they want to hear what YOU have to say. Your audience members, whether in a crowded hall, on a video conference, or on their phones, are more than capable of reading a pitch deck for themselves. One of my favorite lessons to come out of any Apple Keynote can be summarized by the picture above. In the example above, Cook did read the article quote directly from the slide, driving home his point to the audience in a much deeper way than if he had just stated this on his own. The less you read directly off of slides, the more impactful it will be when you do. Find just a select few key thoughts (2-3) that you really want to drive home for your audience, and only use this technique for those moments. However, in a very few exceptions, reading the slide verbatim may actually work to your advantage. Pitch fatigue will set in QUICKLY as you look around the room expecting engaged faces staring back at you, you may instead discover those faces are buried in their phones. In most cases (95% of them) you do NOT want to throw a bunch of text on a screen and then simply read it to your audience.

apple keynote march 2019

The most important rule is to avoid reading the slide word-for-word. (3) PACING THE PRESENTATION - Without going into any depth on each service Apple announced, we will instead focus on a few key takeaways from how these services were presented and paced in a meaningful way.

Apple keynote march 2019