If you're an English speaker, you'll see lots of similarities in the vocabulary and grammar of German, which will make it easier to learn and fun to study! For example, the German word Hund (dog) is related to the English word hound! Here's more of what you can expect when you study German: German is a Germanic language, which means it's part of a group of languages including English, Swedish, and Dutch, among many others, and it's more distantly related to other European languages like French and Russian. Olympian Lindsey Vonn, German is a great language to study! What you need to know about German

Whether you've been inspired to learn German by actor Christoph Waltz, comedian Enissa Amani, Albert Einstein, chemist-turned-chancellor Angela Merkel, Terminator-turned-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, or even U.S. Duolingo offers 10 German courses for speakers of different languages, and the biggest are German for English speakers with 10.8 million learners, German for Spanish speakers with 1.52 million learners, German for Russian speakers with 1.39 million learners, and German for Turkish speakers with 866,000 learners.German is the #1 language studied in Namibia and throughout Southeast Europe, including in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia, and it ranks #3 in another 14 countries from Czechia to Tajikistan, to Iran!.German is the fourth most popular language to study worldwide.Whether it's to connect with world-class cinema, automobile engineering, F1 racing, or soccer clubs, people all around the globe are excited about learning German: Hello, German learner, and herzlich willkommen to a celebration of the German language! You might (naturally) associate German with Germany, beer, and bratwurst, but German is also an official language in half a dozen countries and districts throughout Europe and has minority status in locales in Eastern Europe, Brazil, Namibia, and even in South Tyrol, in Italy!