There, the player will find Grandma, who is sitting on a bench.

On the Southeast corner of the camp is a path with a direction sign, which will lead the player to the Chapel of the Pilgrim. Continue following the path until Pilgrim's Peak campsite is discovered. The player must then make their way Northwest, towards Lighthouse Bay, until they find a path leading up the hill and East, towards Pilgrim's Peak camp. Doing so will launch the player across the valley, onto the other mountain, in the Pilgrim's Peak region of the map. Just North of the campsite is an old canon that can be lit and climbed into. Guides for both quests can be found on their respective pages.įlint and Grandma at the Chapel of the PilgrimĪfter completing the quests mention above, the player will have gained access to the Old Castle campsite. The player will need to complete this quest, along with " Find a Royal Nose for the Snowman", before being able to continue. After speaking to the rabbit, the player will learn that he is Robin the 15th, who has a quest for the player: " Bring back the crown to Robin". Then, follow the path leading up the hill towards the rabbit. Take this opportunity to repair the broken bridge to the South. Another of the 5 Snow Flowers is just East of this point, at the edge of the cliff. Follow the path East, underneath a drawbridge with a rabbit standing guard. On this path are two repairable fences, as well as one of the 5 Snow Flowers at it's Northern most point. Berd's House, and along the hidden path leading North, along the cliff.

However, as Flint notes, this bridge needs to be repaired from the other side. This bridge does not have it's own dedicated quest but does count as a repairable item for the " Maintain the Park" quest.

If the player continues along the obvious path up the hill and across the bridge heading East, they will find that there is another broken bridge. After repairing the bridge, head West across it towards Mr. In order to complete this quest, the player must first repair the rope bridge, using the rope that can be found on the ground next to where Grandma is sitting in Turtle Rock campsite. The player is required to have completed the " Fix the cable car" quest in order to reach this point. The quest "Meet Grandma at Pilgrim's Peak" is started after the cutscene with Grandma in Turtle Rock campsite. Meet Grandma at Pilgrim's Peak: Meet Grandma at the chapel of Pilgrim's Peak.